1- Protez saç tasarimi ve protez saçin kalitesi kesinlikle ayni degil. (ürün ismi ayni ama modeli ve yapilisi farkli)
2- ? tl ye yapilan protez saçin görüntüsü ile kalitesi yüksek olan bir protez açin görüntüsü kesinlikle ayni degil. Eger çevrenizde saçlari protez saç oldugu belli olan bir kisi görmüsseniz eger, gördügünüz tamamen ticari sebeplerle yapilmis bir sistemdir.
3- Protez saç firmalari arasinda 30-40 kisilik kadro ile çalisildiginda hizmette kalitede artmaktadir. Ucuza protez saç sistemi yapan bazi zihniyetler en fazla 2-3 kisi çalistirmakta olup maliyeti azaltmaktalar. Ayrica adres ve dekorasyon kaliteside göze batmaktadir.
4- Bakimlarda kullanilan malzeme kozmetikler, sahte parfümle gerçek parfüm arasinda ki fark gibidir.
5- Teknik bir sorun yasadiginizda size yardimci olabilecek bir müsteri hizmetleri birimi olmadigi için yardimsiz kalacaksiniz, veya sözlü yardim birseye yaramayacak, protez saç sisteminden vazgeçeceksiniz. Ve tüm protez saç sistemlerini öyle zannedeceksiniz.
6- Herkese protez saç yapilmamali, uygun olanlar var olmayanlar var. buna gerçekten 15-20 sene bu isim tecrübesini edinmis kisi veya ekiplerin karar vermesi lazim. Saçsizlik psikolojisinden anlamsi gerekmektedir. Herkese uygun fiyat herkese protez saç sistemi diye bir kampanya olamaz. Protez saç sisteminin kampanyasi olmamali. Protez saç (?) Usd yaninda biri daha getir (?) usd Bu olamaz olmamali, Kesinlikle gitmeyin ve ticari hedefleri olan zihniyetlere dikkat…
HAIR PRICES cause hair prosthesis prosthetic industry is very confusing?
Question: Yesterday I saw an ad in the newspaper, hair prostheses (cheap) tl care (cheap) tl corresponding hair prostheses (? Usd) to get. and a month (?) tl I pay for care, the price difference between why so?
Answer: There’s a lot of reasons. Let them sort.
1 – prosthetic hair replacement, hair design and the quality is definitely not the same. (Product name, model and construction of the same, but different)
2-? tl to the image with the high quality of the hair prosthesis is a prosthesis, open image, not exactly the same. If your surroundings hair replacement hair is obviously a person who had seen if you are, you see, all for commercial reasons has been a system.
3 – Prosthetic hair company between 30-40 man squad and run as service quality increases. Hair replacement system, which is cheaper mentality of some people running up and reduce costs 2-3. Also conspicuous is the address and decoration kaliteside.
4 – Maintenance materials used in cosmetics, fake perfumes real perfume the difference between is like. 5 – a technical problem, you can help a customer service unit, it is not without help you will remain, or verbal assistance to something irrelevant, replacement hair systems abandon the will. And all hair replacement systems will think so. 6 – everyone should do hair replacement, there are the appropriate ones are not. it is really 15-20 years of experience I have acquired this business of the person or team has to decide. Saçsizlik sense psychology is required. Hair replacement system is affordable for everyone so everyone can not be a campaign that. The campaign should not be hair-prosthesis system. Hair prosthesis (?) USD by bringing one more (?) Usd this is not no, definitely not go with the mentality and attention to business goals … |